ECE Peer Advising

ECE Peer Advisors are experienced undergraduate ECE students who host drop-in mentoring!

Pop into their office hours to ask them questions about academics, student-life, or just for a listening ear.

Zoom link: Hours will resume in Fall. (also available through the ECE Undergraduate Advising Canvas Page)

Meet the Peer Advisors:

Electrical EngineerComputer EngineerElectrical EngineerElectrical EngineerComputer EngineerElectrical Engineer
3rd Year3rd year4th Year3rd Year3rd Year3rd Year
✔ Internship
✔ Research
✔ ECE Org
✔ Student Org
✔ Internship
✔ Research
✔ Student Org
✔ Internship
✔ ECE Org
✔ Student Org
✔ Internship
✔ Research
✔ ECE Org
✔ Student Org
✔ Internship
✔ Research
✔ Student Org
✔ Internship
✔ Research
✔ ECE Org
✔ Student Org
My threads are in Electric Energy Systems and either Robotics or Sensing and Exploration. I’ve had two internships: my first internship was as a Software Engineering Intern at Oak Ridge National Laboratory and my second internship was as an Electrical Engineering Production intern at Kimley-Horn (engineering consulting). I currently conduct power systems research under Dr. Molzahn and I have studied abroad in Georgia Tech-Europe. On campus, I am in Ramblin’ Reck Club and ECE Ambassadors.I am a third-year Computer Engineer with threads in CHEA and DSSD. I have done internships at Northrop Grumman all my summers while at Georgia Tech working a lot on Verification (SystemVerilog) and Software(Python). I’m interested in working in the semiconductor and chip industry, either VLSI Design or CPU Design/Verification. I currently do research on LLMs for Hardware Design as part of the ORS program at the Sharc Lab. I have been a part of the VIP program as well as worked as part of the CIPHER group at GTRI. Outside of academics and research, I am also a part of SiliconJackets and COE Soccer group. I’m a fourth year ECE student with threads in Bioengineering and Circuit Technology. I work as peer instructor at the Hive where I host workshops to teach basic technical skills such as soldering and using electrical lab equipment. I’m interested in the medical devices industry and have completed two summer internship at Plexus where I worked as a hardware design intern and gained skills in digital design, analog design, schematic capture, and PCB layout. Outside of my electrical engineering interests, I salsa dance with the GT Salsa Club and am currently getting scuba certified.I’m a 3rd Electrical Engineering major with threads in Bioengineering and Signal Processing. On campus, I’m involved in Ramblin’ Reck Club, the HIVE, IEEE, ECE Ambassadors, and Gold Scholars. In the past, I’ve interned at Wabtec as a Data Engineering Intern and a Battery Mangement Systems Intern. I’ve also done research while studying abroad at Georgia Tech Europe in InGaN/GaN solar cells.I am a third-year Computer Engineering major with concentrations in Computing Hardware and Emerging Architectures and Cybersecurity. I have been involved in RF engineering research through the Opportunity Research Scholars program. I have done an internship at TTM Technologies for RF engineering and this summer I will be interning at L3 Harris for RF engineering. I am part of the skateboarding club and I look forward to meeting everyone that stops by!I’ve interned at Enphase Energy in the bay area and Factory Automation Systems in Atlanta. Currently, I am working the PURPLE Lab under Alfonso Cruz
 and Lukas Graber to create a medium voltage PCB testing SiC MOSFETs in cryogenic temperatures and was previously involved in the Biorobotics Human Modeling Lab researching drone encryption acceleration with an FPGA in Verilog. Currently, I am taking the Electric Energy Systems and Circuit Tech threads. Outside of academics, I’ve been involved with VSA and Solar Racing. I look forward to meeting everyone!